Monday, April 14, 2008

Seemingly Not... but Maybe.

To be undecided… but appear to be sure. A fence rider; afraid to make a choice because to choose may mean you lose it all. How I appear may not be the avenue in which I reside. I’m mobile so I know how to pace the floor. I could drive from one end of the town and back to the other, and still not be settled on which side to parallel my emotions.

So many think they know my category, but since I’m forever changing my label in your eyes should waiver daily. I know how to expand; I’m made from elastic. The only thing firm about me is the opinions I’ve stated prior, but how will my journey today, affect my thoughts of yesteryear?

My certainties lie in my decisions. My reservations rest with my additions.

In a room of expanding columns some pillars of thought always remain… I’m choosing to live. I’d hate to stay emerged in a dying world. I’ve decided to change. There’s no time better then the days you’re blessed to be woke. I’m settled on my mission. Without a plan, you’ll fall to whatever path you see. I’m exact in my choices. I don’t regret the latter day and look forward to perfecting the next. I won’t compromise on my heart. From it beats life, and I won’t die to interruption.

© A. L. Lewis

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