I met him in the school yard…
But the him that was then, could never amount to this moment of now I am forever faced with. This age of ever-changing excellence, that is good to only those that yield to its final conclusion. He was the image of a man, a black man, that shook the inner walls of my steel plated fantasy. I was hard up for success, and creeping underneath his core was a mirror-esque ere of pictorial triumph. Like a photo finish captured solely on record, he was like a motion picture reminding me of how much I liked my Brown Sugar. A decade trapped in grace had spawned the image of black velvet; so smooth at the edges, yet complex in nature and he was now interlocked in the iris of my eyes only desire. I wanted him.
But as my reality so aptly whispered…
I didn’t stand a chance to ever get swept away unto his incomparable magic. I was trapped in a vortex of impossibility, heaving at the shame of losing a battle to a nameless figure. Like the complexity of a rubix cube, his heart and mind were a scattered array of magnificent colors jaded by a continual fantasy. His heart was led by a whimsical pillar of a fate less ordinary. It would only formulate on command when awoken by a whisper from her…
A her that had yet to be determined, who quietly magnified the bubble around my fading confidence in capturing a rainbow trapped in midnight …
© A. L. Lewis
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